EAST behaviour change framework
We employed the EAST framework as the foundation of our methodology, line of questioning and analytical approach to establish how Easy, Attractive, Social and Timely (EAST) our desired behaviour is (or isn’t). The framework helped shape our thinking in terms of potential limitations, and subsequently guided possible interventions to make the desired behaviour more attainable.
Hybrid methodology approach
We employed a hybrid methodology including ‘mock MDT’ group discussions, 1 on 1 interviews and mobile patient records to simulate the various ways prescribing decisions are made and provide a 360 degree view of existing decision-making processes.
Within the various elements of the methodology we conducted a variety of exercises from direct questions to projection exercises to better get beneath the surface of why decisions were being made. These approaches included ‘in the moment’ mobile patient records whereby doctors recorded their prescription decisions for new therapy starts at the time of prescription in order that we could capture valuable contextual insights that may influence the decision such as the doctors mood, time of day, level of confidence alongside potentially important patient characteristics.